I'm ready to commit to the future of our children!

Coming from Parshas Behar, and into the week of Bechukoasi, the Rebbe teaches us to always learn from the Inyonei DeYoma and see the messages from living with the times.

וכי תאמרו מה נאכל בשנה השביעית הן לא נזרע ולא נאסף את תבואתנו, וְוצויתי את ברכתי לכם בשנה הששית ועשת את התבואה לשלש השנים, וזרעתם את השנה השמינית ואכלתם מן התבואה ישן עד השנה התשיעת עד בוא תבואתה תאכלו ישן

ונתתי גשמיכם בעתם ונתנה הארץ יבולה ועץ השדה יתן פריו, והשיג לכם דיש את בציר ובציר ישיג את זרע ואכלתם לחמכם לשבע וישבתם לבטח בארצכם

Even in the most dire situation, the Aibershter promises to fill our needs.  If this applies to Gashmiyus, how much more so to our children’s Neshomos.

And the Rebbe tells us

ומה שהיו ואולי עוד ישנם איזה מניעות ועיכובים הרי אין זה אלא ראי’ נוספת לגודל ויוקר העניין

that the very challenges that we are experiencing is a sign of the preciousness and value of this holy work.  

Sadly, the Hanhola of the Yeshiva were forced into a situation,  despite the devotion and personal investment of all the Rebbeim and teachers, that seemed to signal the end of MLTL.  We, the parents of the bochurim in the Yeshiva, concluded that this is not something we could accept. We realized that it is incumbent upon each one of us, individually, and all of us, collectively, to help bring to fulfillment the promises of the Parsha, and make Hashem’s assurance of sustaining us a reality.

The unprecedented outpouring of concern and support from the greater community has reminded us that this endeavor, and the Hanhola of Lev Tmimim is not just serving our 40 families, but is blazing the trail of creating leaders among this very lost and confused generation.  The work of Lev Tmimim over the last five years of inculcating in the Talmidim a sense of their worth, their leadership potential, and teaching of life skills is not only helping stem the tide of ‘Kids In Pain’ that is endangering our children, but is actually helping to catapult these boys to a mindset that they can actually influence their peers and wider circle.  

In light of all the above, we have united, backed by strong community support, to do all in our power to assure that Yeshiva will not only remain open this year, but will be open to even more Talmidim in the coming year. We have resolved to:

  • Establish a scholarship fund to ensure that no Talmid loses this opportunity due to financial hardship
  • Create a board of staff and parents that would allow the Yeshiva to continue to grow
  • Work closely with the Hanhola to assist Rabbi Hami and his Rebbeim in forging a path to create strong leaders, and have such leaders in our community and across the country come and interact with the Bochurim

To be part of this revolution, please make your commitment right now below.  The community as a whole will make the decision if we value and will sustain this holy work.  If we reach our goal by Thursday night, then the boys will continue strong and plans for next year will move forward full force.  If, CH”V we, as a community, choose not to, then the boys will be dismissed on Erev Shabbos, and your pledge will not be required to be paid.

Thank you!  The community has made a statement loud and clear.  Without matchers, and with sheer love and devotion כאיש אחד בלב אחד raised over $100,000 in two days.  We showed we care about our children’s Chinuch and that we will unite and do whatever it takes to bring our children to the entrance of Geulah with a strong healthy education and opportunities.

Lev Tmimim is grateful to all the parents, community members, Menahalim, and Mechanchim who stood behind us with encouragement, support, and funds.  May we all have Nachas from our Children and Talmidim and give the Rebbe Nachas! 

קבלת התורה בשמחה ובפנימיות


We're at $112,271...Help us today to reach $120,000 by Shavuos and plant the seeds for a strong 5780!

Statement from the parent body of Mesitva Lev Tmimim Lubavitch in regards to the closing of the Yeshiva

I'm ready to commit to the future of our children!

Yes! I am committing to the future of our children!

I am confident that we, as a community, will not let our children down.  I’d like to make my contribution now

I am hopeful we will succeed!  Please take my pledge now, but charge my card on Friday, only if you reach the goal. Enter card and pledge here