Dear Parents,
As promised last week, I’ll be sending you an elaboration on some of the methods, approcahes and philosophies of our Yeshiva, and what this means in regards to support from the parents. IY”H I’ll be sending that in the next few days after Yom Kippur, as well a brief progress report so you know where your son is standing academically and in regards to Yeshiva expectations.
In the meanitme, please use the following info to help spark discussions with your son while he is home about Yeshiva life. It was a short, but very packed week, between the learning and extra curricular activities.
Wishing you a Gmar Chasima Tova, Leshava Tova Umesuka,
Rabbi Gil Hami
Mesivta Lev Tmimim Lubavitch
Connecting with the Heart of the Tomim
T: 215.825.3745 x1