Application Process
We are currently accepting applications for the ה’תש”פ school year – 5780 (2019/20). (If you are seeking to transfer for this current year, please contact us).
Please note, due to the high volume of applications already being requested, in order to streamline the process and get back to you efficiently, if you have any questions, want to speak with the Hanhola to get more information, or plan a visit to the Yeshiva, please first complete Step 1 below. Once completed we will contact you within a day or two, IY”H.
Who should consider applying? We are currently accepting applications for Bochurim ages 12.5-14 years old – 8th gr Mechina, and Shiur Alef (‘מכינה, שיעור א).
To inquire for transfer from another Yeshiva in Shiur Beis and Shiur Gimmel please send an email first to the Hanhola.
Please see the FAQ, question number 10 to be sure that MLTL is a good fit for your son. If you are seeking the following, then you may submit an application as per the process below.
- High level Limudei Kodesh academic standards
- A responsible, professional, and safe environment for your son
- A dedicated staff who are specifically trained in being attentive to the needs and wellbeing of each individual Talmid as a unique person
- Professionally run management of the school, accountability, consistent communication and true responsiveness to parents
- Reliable safety protocols to ensure the physical and emotional wellbeing of every child. Every staff member is screened to ensure the safety of your child
- Constant supervision. At no time is a child or class permitted to be left without supervision.
- Extra curricular activities, team building and confidence building programming, physical fitness and health education, creative expression outlets
- Computer lab and integration of computer skills in the curriculum and extra curricular programs
- A strictly enforced environment of Kedusha and Tahara with no tolerance for unnecessary internet use and other unwanted materials
- Personal guidance and encouragement to grow in specific areas of challenge to each individual child
- Strong Hiskashrus to the Rebbe and a strong Lubavitch atmosphere with emphasis on Chayus for Inyonei Geulah Umoshiach
Please be sure to read through this site very thoroughly, and if needed, contact us with any questions you may have prior to submitting an application to ensure that you feel that our philosophy and approach is one that your son would benefit from. We are committed to our Talmidim and parents, and even after acceptance, we reserve the right to dismiss any student or family who we feel is not conducting himself in the spirit of our Yeshiva or who is harmful to the wellbeing of the other Talmidim. Please read this post to be sure that MLTL is a good fit for your son. Due to the unique approach of Lev Tmimim among Lubavitch Yeshivas, there is high demand for the limited spaces and we encourage you to apply early.

Step One
There are two parts to this.
1. Parents, please fill out the pre-application form (will open in a new window so you don’t lose your page).
2. A form to be filled out by the prospective Talmid. It is very important that this form be filled out by your son himself and we request that you allow him to do so without assistance. If you prefer not to have him do so online, you may print it out for him and email it to the Yeshiva.

Step 2
Once your pre-application form has been received and reviewed, you will be notified by the Hanhola – usually within 3-4 business days – and if determined, will be provided with the complete online application form.

Step 3
The Hanhola will schedule a meeting with you and your son. Preferably both parents should be in attendance at the interview. The purpose of the meeting is to get to know your son, as well his parents. It is important for the Hanhola and parents to have a good relationship and open lines of communication and this is an opportunity for both sides to ask any questions and ensure that there is agreement on the Yeshiva’s and home’s approach to being Mechanech the prospective Talmid. Feel free to ask any questions or raise any concerns you may have at this meeting. Your son will be asked to prepare a Sugya ahead of time, as well as to read an unprepared section at the interview. Likewise, his basic English reading and basic Math ability will be assessed.

Step 4
Receive notification of acceptance. We will make every attempt to notify you of your son’s status as soon as possible after the interview. If you do not hear back from us within a few weeks, please feel free to contact us, but please be patient if no decision has yet been made. There are many applicants and we take the decision about your son’s future very seriously. Please note, if you are applying before Adar, the notification process may take a few extra weeks.
In the acceptance packet you will be provided with detailed information about Yeshiva life, schedules, calendar info, and more. At this time, you will also be asked to submit a financial agreement. Please be aware that space is extremely limited. Space for your son is not guaranteed until financial agreement is completed. Failure to do so in a timely manner may result in loss of the spot to another applicant.
Need more help?
If you have any questions about this process or want to find out more about our Yeshiva, please read the FAQ or contact us today.