Pandemic Modified Programming

Chinuch is difficult enough as is.  The new challenges we have been introduced to due to the pandemic have exponentially increased the complexity of this important mission, and many of us are struggling to make the best decisions for our children.

Since the beginning of the lockdown, when we were sadly forced to send our Talmidim home, we have worked diligently to continue supporting our students and their families utilizing creative modalities and long distance technology to the fullest extent possible.  This included online live classes, home based assignments, individual support and guidance, as well as small in person socially distant group meetings for local members.

During this temporary situation, we have been able to give personal support via remote virtual consultation sessions to many parents.  It is heartwarming to see the creative ways parents and their children have taken advantage of the unique challenge and grown together in new ways during extended periods of isolation. 

As the situation continues to improve, we are continuing to gradually add more local and in person services, classes, trips, programs and consultations for our students and community. 

For specific questions, and to set up a consultation session, please call or email us today.  Every email and voicemail will be returned, BeZ”H.

Timely responses

Parents deserve to be replied to in a timely manner.  We pledge to try to respond to your concerns as soon as possible.

Innovative Ideas

While remaining true to the Rebbe’s guidelines, we are open to new ideas that are approved by Rabbonim and Mashpiim in order to maximize the success of each child.


We pledge to relate to our students, staff, and parent body in the most professional way.  Accountability and responsibility are the foundations for a successfully run Mosad.


Clear Communication

We make every effort to be clear in our communication with parents in order to enhance the cooperation between home and Yeshiva for the benefit of the Talmid.

Want to learn more?

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