Rabbi Gil Hami
Rosh Yeshiva
Rabbi Gil Hami, is a seasoned Mechanech with over twenty five years of hands on classroom experience working with children of varying ages. In addition to Rabbinical studies, his background includes a degree in Psychology, with a minor in biological sciences and physics. His unique ability to connect with children has made him a favorite teacher to both elementary age children as well as teenagers. By opening his heart and home to the families of his Talmidim, he has, over the years, earned the trust of parents and fostered open lines of communication between the school and the home.
Among his unique abilities is his attention to detail, both in the classroom – the needs of the individual child -, as well as management and organization – the ability to keep on track and build engaging programs in a professional manner. His style of teaching and guidance is based on seeing the child’s needs in totality: engaging them on all levels of their development, including Ruchniyus, intellectual, social interactions, physical health and wellbeing, and self image.
Through close work with individuals, Rabbi Hami’s trademark is teaching his students how to break out of their comfort zone, discover their true potential, and bring tangible change in their lives.

Rabbi Dovid Losh
Rabbi Losh’s warm personality, and gentle voice, combined with his deep knowledge of Chassidus and Gemara make it a pleasure for his Talmidim to connect with, and learn from him. He has a unique ability to relate to and understand people and help guide them in their path in life. In addition to teaching Bochurim, his experience includes counseling and guiding teens and helping parents to connect with their children.

Rabbi Dovid Volfman

Rabbi Yitzchok Lerman
Rabbi Yitzchak Lerman is a well known Mechanech with over a decade of classroom teaching experience and curriculum development. He has been a beloved Magid Shiur for Mesivta Bochurim, as well as a popular lecturer around the globe. Rabbi Lerman is also the producer of the Chitrik Academy, an interactive video series on the Talmud, Mishna and Holidays which has encouraged and inspired many Talmidim at various levels to improve their learning skills. Rabbi Lerman is a fun and interactive teacher, and shares his passion for learning with his students. As the Rabbi of Congregation Beth El of Rutherford, NJ, and Director of Chabad of the Meadowlands, Rabbi Lerman brings real life experiences into the classroom which he uses to engage his students.

Rabbi Reuven Roth
Rabbi Roth, a young and energetic educator, brings his tremendous Chayus to his students. Naturally attuned to young Bochurim’s intellectual and emotional needs, Rabbi Roth is able to cater to students on diverse levels. His enthusiasm for learning is backed by a solid and extensive knowledge of Gemara, Halacha, and Tanach, as well as general studies. With his articulate manner and engaging personality, he is described by students as a truly caring educator.

Rabbi Avrohom Engel
Rabbi Engel’s care and concern for every one of his students is palpable. He truly believes in and recognizes their unique abilities. He has a sense of being able to answer the person, not just the question being asked. With his light sense of humor and passion for learning, he connects to his students. His lessons are more than just a subject, he gives over his teaching with a Chayus by portraying the life behind the teachings.

Rabbi Mendy Landa
A veteran Mashpia in Monsey, Rabbi Landa has been working with Mesivta Bochurim for over 15 years. His pleasant demeanor and listening ear has made him sought after by many bochurim as their personal mentor far beyond their Mesivta years and once they have moved on from the Monsey area. Rabbi Landa’s clarity in teaching and uplifting Farbrengens are an integral part of Lev Tmimim’s assets.

Rabbi Avrohom Moshe Kanarek
Rabbi Avrohom Moshe Kanarek is a veteran Mechanech with many years of experience in multiple fields of education. He served both as a classroom teacher as well as an administrator. He received his Smicha from RIETS and holds a degree in Economics, as well as a Masters in Educational Leadership from the University of Phoenix. Although a native New Yorker, he was in Atlanta Georgia for ten years where he served as the founding Menahel of a Mesivta. Rabbi Kanarek’s Chinuch experience includes both Limudei Kodesh as well as Limudei Chol, in the classroom and administration. His wide grasp on many subjects and proficiency in multiple fields helps make it easy for him to relate to his students. His reputation in Chinuch is one of a loving and inspiring teacher to his Talmidim.

Dr. Ilan Fuchs
Dr. Ilan Fuchs was born and raised in Israel, and received Smicha from the Israeli Chief Rabbinate. He holds a Ph.D in Legal history from Bar-Ilan University and in 2009 came to the US for his post doctorate, and since 2013 has been teaching in the US in a variety of Jewish high schools while continuing to work in academic institutions as a researcher. Dr. Fuchs brings to Lev Tmimim his passion for knowledge and excitement for working with youth and inspiring them to think and broaden their perspectives.

Bochurim Shluchim
In addition to our devoted staff, we are also very fortunate for שנת הלימודים ה’תשע”ז to be Zoche to a wonderful group of Bochurim Shluchim who, in addition to the Learning Mivtzahs, and Mivtzoyim that they’ll be arranging, will also be spending much time working with individual Bochurim and small groups to assist with those needing extra help, as well as to challenge more advanced Bochurim in higher level learning. They are full of Chayus and are a beautiful Chassidishe Dugma Chaya for the young Talmidim.