Dear Parents,
As promised last week, I’ll be sending you an elaboration on some of the methods, approcahes and philosophies of our Yeshiva, and what this means in regards to support from the parents.  IY”H I’ll be sending that in the next few days after Yom Kippur, as well a brief progress report so you know where your son is standing academically and in regards to Yeshiva expectations.
In the meanitme, please use the following info to help spark discussions with your son while he is home about Yeshiva life.  It was a short, but very packed week, between the learning and extra curricular activities.
  • In Gemara this short week was spent mostly on Chazara and concluding the Farhers, both written, as well as oral.
  • In Halacha the class learned פירוש המילות of the Tefillos and Hilchos Yom Kippur.
  • In Chassidus the classes discussed the level of Kappara possible to be reached through עיצומו של יום of Yom Kippur as well as the Mitzvah of Krias Shma and the meaning of the command to Love Hashem.  Please also ask your son about the Inyon of Limit and the creation of Limit by the Unlimited…
  • In Math and English, each Talmid is continuing to progress at his own pace.  Pleae ask your son if he has any personal feedback in regards to the level of work he is at.
  • Yashar Koach to the boys who Leined this week.  Some Bochurim took upon themselves to learn the Kriah for the week as well as Shabbos and those who are able are to are strongly encouraged to do so.
  • This week’s Mivtzoyim on Erev Shabbos Shuva was very successful with may boys giving out Shabbos Candles, and putting on Tefillin.  A few helping Yidden do the Mitzvah for thefirst time ever.  We even found such an opportunity on our hike at Fort Montgomery.
  • The Shluchim conducted an inspiring Farbrengen with the Bochurim and kept them motivated with Mivtzah Hachona for Yomim Noraim, concluding with rewards for those who worked hard to increase in various areas of their Avodah.


  • Our trip to Fort Montgomery, and hike through the forest, crossing the Hudson river over to Bear Mountain was an opportuity to spend time in a beautiful natural environment, get some healthy outdoor exercise, and help each other on some of the tough terain.  The location is an hisotric site, marking some significant battles in the American Revolutionary War.
  • On the last day of the Zman, we had our first music lesson, preceded by dinner prepared by Mrs. Hami at our house, so the boys could enjoy the great weather while it lasted with some footbal playing in the back yard.




  • A special highlight of the week was the Farbrengens celebrating Yisroel Sebbag’s and Avraham Benchimol’s birthdays with Farbrengens Shabbos night after the Seuda, and at Shaloshudos respectively.  Thank you to the mothers who provided the food and Nosh.

    One of the most meaningful times of the week is the weekly Shaloshudos Seudah in which differnt Bochurim each week have the opportunity to stand up and speak in front of the entire Yeshiva.  Please ask your son if he has yet had the opportunity to do so.

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Wishing you a Gmar Chasima Tova, Leshava Tova Umesuka,
Rabbi Gil Hami
Mesivta Lev Tmimim Lubavitch
Connecting with the Heart of the Tomim
T: 215.825.3745 x1