Chinuch Musings
From Lev Tmimim
Mesivta Lev Tmimim Lubavitch Chinuch Blog and Yeshiva News
(For the Parents’ Blog and Updates please click here)
For 5776 in photos click here…
Let’s get clear…
BS"D Dear parents, Please think about this question. When there is a shortfall of funds - delays in tuition being paid, insufficient fundraising amounts, or unforeseen costs - how does the average person think schools remain open each day and provide services to...
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חסיד, ירא שמים, ולמדן
The Rebbe’s Brocha to Bar Mitzvah Bochurim “to grow to be a Chosid, G-d fearing, and a Lamdan, (the acronym for חי’’ל, soldier) placing “Lamdan” last, addresses the education conundrum we face today: How do we grab the average child’s heart and mind in a modern world...
read moreHappy Passover from the Mesivta
Rabbi Soble shares an important message from the Seder that is applicable for our every day lives as Jews. Every year as we the begin the Seder, we say "כל דכפין ייתי ויכול" Kol Dichfin Yeisei Veyeichol "All those in need come and eat". This is Strange!...
read moreBoys head out to Boro Park Matzah Bakery
Last week, the Bocuhrim took a trip to the Boro Park Matzah Factory to help make Shmurah Matzah with all the highest standards. They enjoyed the behind the scenes of the Matzah baking process, and were especially excited to take part in the factory's meticulous...
read moreBochurim have a Freylechin Purim!
This Purim, it can only be said that the MLTL Bochurim were Marbim Be'Simcha. On Leil Purim, after hearing Megillah, we celebrated into the night dancing and Farbrenging at houses of local families, while some Bochurim went to Lein Megillah at various places. [video...
read moreMesivta welcomes Rabbi Hami’s former student Yakov as new administrator
Dear Families, We are excited to welcome Yakov Shir, one of Rabbi Hami's former students, to the Mesivta Lev Tmimim Staff. He studied under Rabbi Hami at the Hebrew Academy of Morris County and now lives in Monsey. After Graduating from Princeton University, Yakov...
read moreMeet the newest additions to our staff
Rabbi Dovid Volfman a veteran Mechanech who has been working with Bochurim for many years, most recently as magid Shiur and Mashgiach for eight years in Tomchei Tmimim, Morristown. In addition to his broad knowledge and Koach Hasbarah in Nigleh and Chassidus (Rabbi...
read moreMesivta Lev Tmimim Lubavitch – Summer News and Updates
Just a quick update about what's new in Mesivta Lev Tmimim Lubavitch of Monsey for the upcoming new Zman of 5777. B"H the Yeshiva is doubling in size going strong into our second year. We now have more than two full classes, and double the Hanhola. In addition to...
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5776 The Year in Review – A Photo Essay
End of the year banquet. Every Talmid, Shliach, and Hanhola member shared their thoughts and feelings from the year A picture is worth a thousand words. With tremendous gratitude to Hashem, deep humility, and thankfulness to all those who helped make this first...
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