Chinuch Musings

From Lev Tmimim

Mesivta Lev Tmimim Lubavitch Chinuch Blog and Yeshiva News

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Right Hand, Left Hand

Reprinted from N'Shei Chabad Newsletter, Kislev 5766 Anyone with an adolescent son or daughter faces challenges quite different than previous generations. The tools of yesteryear need to be sharpened and new approaches added in order to weather the typically stormy...

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Of Curls, Dress Codes and Hipsters

Last week I went to share in the Simcha of the Opshernish of the oldest son of a good friend of mine.  As expected, it was a beautiful celebration with many family and friends each taking a snip at the boys long curly locks - curls that for the last couple of years...

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Mesivta Goes to Camp For Selichos

Rabbi Gershon Sandler opened his new, recently established Camp Gan Israel in the Poconos facilities to Mesivta Lev Tmimim for Shabbos Slichos. The Bochurim, Shluchim, and families of Rebbeim enjoyed a beautiful and inspiring atmosphere in the newly renovated camp...

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Cell Phone Policy

As our underlying mission is to ensure the emotional wellbeing of the Talmid, we understand the importance of communication between parents and children. And we strongly encourage every Bochur to be in close contact with parents regularly. We recognize the difficulty...

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Chometz and Chinuch, or Matzoh and Maturation

Some thoughts coming from Pesach… In a well known Sicha (Likutei Sichos 1, pg 129) the Rebbe elegantly brings out - in his typical way - a powerful lesson from a most obvious and often overlooked interesting detail.  The Rebbe highlights the fact that on Pesach, while...

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Chinuch Job Fair

I spent the day Sunday at a beautiful event organized very professionally by the Menachem Education Foundation.  Read about it here.  The team at the MEF are doing such critically important work that has been needed for a long time.  A Groise Yashar Koach to all of...

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The Mishkan’s Pegs and the Details in Chinuch

I heard a shiur this week from Rabbi Levi Garelik in which he mentioned a fascinating story brought down in the Sefer Migdal Oz, a Sefer written in memory of the famed Chosid Azriel Zelig Slonim of Yerushalyim, originally from Lubavitch. In the Sefer is a...

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Self Esteem or Narcissism?

A friend recently forwarded to me an article discussing the difference between self esteem and narcissism   Most people know the meaning of - or are familiar with - the term 'self esteem’.  If you don’t know what narcissism means, google it.  Most definitions sound...

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